
Copy of Two New Possibility Lunches! - Originally Posted October 16, 2016

We're keeping up our HSCollab tradition of monthly meetings to discuss topics in digital cultures. Jessica Rajko, Marisa Duarte, and I would like to invite you to our upcoming Possibility Lunch: The Internet of Creepy Things. October 19th 11:30-1:00 in ISTB4-492. Lunch will be provided.

We host these lunches once a month in order to discuss aspects of how data and digital technologies shape lived experiences from within the body. We enjoy open conversations from anti-racist, feminist, and decolonial perspectives on topics like social justice, arts and performance,  the quantified self movement, cyber-security and surveillance, digital labor, social networks, and more.

To RSVP please email

We'll be hosting our November event: "Decolonizing Technology" on the 16th (same time/location) and have already received a lot of interest, so mark your calendars and let Gloria know if you can make that one as well.
