About the Human Security Collaboratory


The Human Security Collaboratory (HS Collab) is a new project launched by the Global Security Initiative (GSI) at Arizona State University focused on addressing complex problems affecting the security of individuals and communities, with a special emphasis on digital technologies and their uses.

Current Focal Areas:

Digital Civil Rights                   Big Data

Information Harvesting           Biosensory Devices, and Wearable Technologies

Data Disenfranchisement        Equity in Tech

By focusing on these areas, HS Collab seeks to address a critical gap within the human security space—the ways in which digital technology creation and use affects individual and community life, with a focus on anticipating needs rather than reacting to crises. Digital technology development and use shapes how people come to know about the world and are empowered within a global society, understanding how we value and produce knowledge allows HS Collab to see who counts, who is counted, and why.

HS Collab is led by Co-directors Jessica Rajko, a professor in the School of Film, Dance and Theater at ASU, and Jacqueline Wernimont, a professor in the Department of English.

Current Projects:

Complementing and building upon ASU’s existing capacity and demonstrated excellence in global security and computational technologies, HS Collab will engage collaborators from multiple disciplines through conversations, collaborative work, and the design of creative strategies to understand and address these topics.

Current Public Engagement:

  • Critical Conversations: A series of lunchtime conversations about human security research and impact activities held monthly during the spring of 2016.
  • Vibrant Lives Open Lab Session: For ASU faculty, staff, and students interested in wearables, digital technology, movement and dance, and data communication.
  • HASTAC Research Charrette: HS Collab will be hosting an open wearables/personal data research charrette during the HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory) Conference in May 2016
  • International Research Retreat: HS Collab will be hosting an international team of researchers working on digital technology and human behavior in January of 2016 for a research retreat.

Contact: for more information on HS Collab, media, and other public inquiries, please contact co-Director Jacqueline Wernimont at jwernimo@asu.edu.




Duarte photo.jpg

Marisa Duarte

Jessica Rajko

Jacqueline Wernimont




Patricia Garcia
Border Quants Collaborator
University of Michigan


Marika Cifor
Border Quants Collaborator
 Bowdoin College


Heather Ross
 Border Quants Collaborator
Arizona State University


Open Positions

Senior Architect

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Design Intern

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