What is HS Collab?

The Human Security Collaboratory (HS Collab) uses interdisciplinary methods to address complex problems affecting the security of individuals and communities, with a special emphasis on digital technologies and their uses. HS Collab is situated within the Global Security Initiative (GSI) at Arizona State University.


What does HSCollab do?


HSCollab engages collaborators from multiple disciplines through conversations,
collaborative work, interactive art making, and the design of creative strategies to understand and address these topics:

Digital Civil Rights            Big Data
Information Harvesting      Wearable Technologies
Data Disenfranchisement    Equity in Tech




Who is HSCollab?


Who counts, who is counted, and why?

We are a collective of artists and scholars dedicated to addressing the ways in which digital technology creation and use affects individual and community life.

Digital technology shapes how people come to know about the world and are empowered within a global society, understanding how we value and produce knowledge allows us to articulate who counts, who is counted, and why.




Why does HSCollab exist?


We work to address a critical gap in the security and digital cultures domains - attention to the impacts of large-scale digital/computational cultures on individuals or communities smaller than the level of the nation.

For us, “human security” means that individuals and communities are free from violence and the threat of violence in order to fully realize their own goals for participation in digital culture.

At minimum human security is individual freedom from violence and the fear of violence. In our digital age, freedom from violence includes both “terrestrial” threats like gun and sexual violence and economic and political oppression, as well as “virtual” violences like algorithmic bias, hate speech and threats online, and unequal access to data, digital resources, and skills.




Where is HSCollab located?


HSCollab is situated within the Global Security Initiative at Arizona State University.